My Fur Babies from C.A.R.E.S.

 Below: Profiles on the C.A.R.E.S. site…

       Our Progress at The 60 Day Mark…

Arlo “The Goof”. First time i picked him up it was the “Tasmanian Devil” right out of the cartoons. All four legs windmilling like a hurricane and looking to escape and kill. Calming down nicely now. Very outgoing and not in the least bit shy. Always getting into things and gets jealous easily if he is not the center of attention!

Josie “The Queen”. Always composed and rules the roost. Loves to cuddle, be scratched and sleep in Mom’s lap. I love to cuddle with her in front of the fire and  she has taken to sleeping under “the tent” I make for us when we watch the fire or TV on the floor. She plays and frolics like a five year old, not the 15 she is reported to be.

Sweetpea “The Shy”. Always skulking and would not let us touch her for weeks. Her eyes are like lasers as she watches our every move. Wrestles with Arlo and more than holds her own in a “hissy fit” squabble. We are now touching, petting and scratching her when SHE WANTS IT and have not yet tried to pick her up.

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